
Journal History

Children's university is functioning with four academic centers research, education, training and extension services Research center deals with the following areas :Parental education of parents, Parental care of the mother, Issues relating to the birth of child, Paediatrics (Medical and Therapeutic), Issues relating to early Childhood (Nutrition, Physical Health, Development of senses etc.),Issues relating to early stages of growth : Physical, Psychological, Spiritual, Research in education of the infant (Toddler's Schooling), Research in Kindergartem education, Research in primary Education : Formal, Non Formal, Informal, Research in new curriculum (Primary and elementary level),Introduction to multilingual skills, Introduction to mental calculation, Value oriented education, Skill oriented education, Dignity of Labour: Synthesis of Head, Hand and Heart etc... Therefore, the main objective to start such kind of journal which helpful to society as well as researchers.