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The present study describes the comparison of different yogic practices with physical activity through the measurement of respiratory parameters. In this study, sportsmen were divided equally into three groups: those undergoing yogic practice (Group A), physical activity (Group B) and control (Group C). The status of Peak Flow Rate (PFL), Maximum Inspiratory Volume (M/V) and Breath Holding Time (BHT) of all the three groups was measured for a period of three months using Mini Wright's peak flow meter, Hudson Incentive Inspirometer and Stopwatch before and after the training period. The obtained pre and post scores were examined by Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) for assessing the statistical significance. Schefee's Post hoc-test was further applied to find out the best among the three groups. The results corroborate that the designed yogic practice package has brought about a significant impact on the peak flow rate and maximum inspiratory volume of the yoga group compared to the other two groups.
Peak flow rate, Maximum Inspiratory Volume, Breath Holding Time.
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