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Human life is beset with so many problems at different levels. It is impossible for any human beings to exist without facing problems in their life; mostly these problems are based upon the misevaluation of the individuals about the problems, surroundings, and their sufferings. General Semantics presents an uncommon approach to living and solving the problems of life through ‘structural differential’ method and using extensional devices like: ‘dating’, ‘indexing’, ‘etc’, ‘hyphens’, ‘quotes’, etc. Through acquiring the different approaches/devices of GS, one can avoid and solve problems better, and improve to relate and communicate. Rohinton Mistry’s Such ALong Journey illustrates the problems of Gustad Noble, a bank clerk, and his family due to economic, political, and cultural surroundings. Gustad is an ordinary man and faces many trials in his life. He has his own dreams about the future but his aspirations crumble down like cards. He struggles with memories of a financially secure and emotionally stable past that serves to highlight his family’s current struggles, which shows his ‘time-binding’capacity. He has also many semantic blocks which seizes his creatical thinking. The present study tries to find out the semantic blocks of Gustad and also provides the tools which can help him to resolve the problems. Consequently the present study tries to add one more dimension to look at the text and the struggles/problems of Gustad and his family and other characters through the lens of General Semantics approach
Human problems, General Semantics, Structural Differential, Time-binding, Semantic block. * Author for correspondence
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