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Aim of the research is to find out the Depression among Pregnant women so investigator selected two groups one was pregnant women were involved in Tapovan center’s activity which is operated by children’s university, Gandhinagar and other was pregnant women were not involved in such kind of activities, Sample in this study consist of 120 subjects. The samples were selected from Tapovan center’s of children’s university and other areas of Gandhinagar city. Scale was use for data collection is personal datasheet and Depression scale was developed by derogates (1994) and it’s translated in Guajarati by Desai (1998), 2x2 factorial design was used and data were analysis by ANOVA test. Result show that, the pregnant women who involved in Tapovan center’s activity possesses low depression than the pregnant women who not involved in Tapovan centers activity. The high educated pregnant women possess low depression level than the low educated women.
Tapovan center’s activity, Pregnant women, Depression
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