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To be successful in today’s competitive world it’s absolutely essential for one to be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of oneself, as well as the opportunities and threats that are presented. By having awareness of these four aspects, it’s possible to use them for one’s advantage. If a person can identify and understand their strengths and opportunities they will know where to tread with confidence and security. However, if one can realize the weaknesses and threats posed to them, it’s possible to focus on those areas so to improve upon weaknesses and overcome obstacles posed by threats. SWOT analysis focuses on the internal and external environment of our business, examining strengths and weaknesses in the internal environment and opportunities and threats in the external environment. SWOT Analysis is a very effective way of identifying our strengths and weaknesses, and of examining the opportunities and threats we face. SWOT analysis looks at the factors which affect the success or failure of our business as well as whatever one does in. The present paper focuses on SWOT evaluation for the development of the students and their scholarly development.
Teaching Method, SWOT, Evaluation, Student Development
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