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This research is about a study of teachers’ opinions towards the smart classroom. The study aimed at to study the opinions of the teachers towards smart classroom with the reference to gender, area, teaching subject and teaching standards. The hypotheses were prepared based on the objectives. In this study, the teachers teaching in primary and secondary schools were taken as the sample for data collection. The opinionnaire was comprised of 15 statements. The five point scale ranging from totally agree to totally disagree was prepared by the researcher. The opinionnaire was prepared using SurveyHeart application and sent to the groups of the teachers. Total numbers of responses achieved on the opinionnaire was 83. Statistical technique was used to interpret the data. The results and findings were achieved on the scale. The findings were very positive and fruitful. The interest and curiosity of the students can be increased with the help of smart classroom. It also helps the teachers’ teaching and enhances the learning experiences of the students.
smart classroom, teachers’ opinions, learning experiences, learning outcomes
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