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The professional competence implies a minimum level of expertise in performance. The term professional competence can be conceptualized as the process of obtaining the capabilities and skills which allow the supervisor’s to realize their professional duties and responsibilities more effectively and efficiently. In teaching profession different competencies are needed. The quality of education depends on competence of supervisor’s. Supervision is an important part of the teaching-learning process. Without a strong, effective supervision, an effective school is not likely to result. The present study focuses on “Construction and Standardization of the test of Professional Competence of School Supervisors with teaching experience and size of school” The research was of survey type, which consists of a multistage random sample of 252 supervisors of the GSEB English medium schools of Gujarat state. An opinionaire was constructed and standardized by the researcher and administered on the sample subject. The interpretation of data was done with the statistical methods mean, standard deviation and t-test and ANOVA. It was found that no significant difference found between the professional competence of school supervisors with teaching experience and size of the school.
Professional Competence, Supervisors
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