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Millions of Hindus revere and worship cows. Hinduism is a religion that raises the status of Mother to the level of Goddess. Therefore, the cow is considered a sacred animal, as it provides us life sustaining milk. Ayurveda is a big proponent of the sattvic qualities of milk and dairy products. Cow dung is saved and used for fuel, as it is high in methane, and can generate heat and electricity. Lord Krishna, one of the most well known of the Hindu deities is often depicted playing his flute amongst cows and dancing Gopis (milkmaids). The holy cow is perhaps the most harmless animal in the entire world. The best characteristic of a cow is that it gives so much yet demands nothing in return. As we know, there are innumerable dairy products made out of milk e.g. Butter, Ghee, Curd, sweets and what not!
Baby's Diet, According To the Vedas, the Analysis of Cow Urine. * Author for correspondence
J aha, D. N., The Myth of the Holy Cow, page 13, (online Sukhadia, Avani, Authentic Ayurveda ofSedona. Shri Swami Rajendra Das Ji Maharaj, http:// about_cow.html Swamy, Subramanian (2009). Global Hindu Heritage Foundation. Lecture deliverd by swami