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Since eons socio-politico-religions as well as knowledge systems have been strining to box and stamp education for their convenience. Most of the times they also wish to harness the latest power of education for their propogation. This paper purports to bring out and plead for the unfathomable and seamless energy of genuine eduction. The first part of the paper takes up an endoscopy fo education leading to unchain it from the reputed paradigm called constrictivism. The second part, after breaking the myth of framework, visualises education as a seamless activity - a worthy enterprize for an evolving,bowndless, ever ineffable ‘man’. The philosophical propositions, ultimately, lead to progmatic ideas in part three. Thus, the paper has its roots in infinitude of being, its branches in educational thinking and howers in the praxis of education.
Seamless education, Beyond constrictivism, rejoicing unpredictability, nonparodigamatic space, mutual inclusion.
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