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Today as we focus our attention on giving quality education to millions of children in our schools. To bring quality in education an honest teacher always ponder over to bring improvement in learning and teaching. In traditional way of teaching ‘teacher-centered approach’ was in trend but nowadays student-centered education is in vogue. In today’s world, where technology is integrated in all aspects of life, the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education is acknowledged by experts and policy makers. Introduction of ICT in early years has been applauded and criticized, yet the potential of ICT as a supplement to existing resources is well established. ICT has a potentially powerful role to play in early years of settings. Everyday new technology especially designed for children enters the market and not just young parents but even Educational Institutions are all out there to provide the best off the racks. ICT has ability to foster different domains of development in children. It is seen as a potential supplement for existing teaching learning techniques in early childhood care and education. Despite its merit, ICT has still not found a niche in teaching learning process due to constraints related to access, availability and capacity building. This paper on pedagogy and technology integration in ECCE suggests how teachers can use technology to promote child’s learning, advocacy, professional development, planning, administration, monitoring and evaluation in ECCE.
Technology, ICT, ECCE & Pedagogy
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