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Teachers’ attitude to education is an essential pre-requisite for the success of education. A teacher needs to be professionally qualified to perform his duty as a teacher. Professional qualification shall ensure teachers’ competencies in pedagogy, subject matter, and professional attitude. Inclusive education that assumes education of all types of students in the same classroom. It therefore needs not only empathy for special children but understanding their needs and organizing the school activities in such a manner that facilitates development of all children. A teacher needs to understand the provision of education of special children, enroll them, and teach them along with all other children. The child shall take part in all educational activities in class and school. Teacher shall have to coordinate with parents, counsellors, administrators, and local community. The teacher has to have positive attitude to carry out all such responsibilities competently. The present research attempts to measure the teachers’ attitude towards inclusive education and find out as to how educational qualifications and demographic factors have a bearing on teachers’ attitude towards inclusive education. It was found that teachers have moderate attitude and educational qualifications, training, and demographic factors does not have a bearing on teachers’ attitude towards inclusive education.
Inclusive education, Special children, Teachers’ attitude, and Demographic variables.
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