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The world is struggling against stress, inhumanity, anxiety, fear and terrorism. The researcher has tried to develop Learning package based on Life skills special reference to Bharatiya Philosophy. The study also focused to measure its impact on quality of life and its internalization in student teacher's. Five major life skills were included i.e., TW- wjfh (Self awareness), fifftfyvj (Self observation), ^«wr*rtw (Oneness with beings), H*iH (Self- restrain), (Discrimination) in LSTP. This is an experimental study with an integration of quantitative as well as qualitative methods of interpretations. In this paper researcher has tried to discuss effects of LSTP on quality of life and internalization of life skills in student teachers" in the light of statistical analysis. The researcher has successfully developed LSTP and it is also found effective on dependant variables.
Life-skills, Perceptions. Internalization . Quality of life.
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