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The educational process is a very complex process which includes various philosophical as well as practical issues. The process influences an individual and the society. If an individual is to be produce for a complex society, there is a need to have holistic education. The holistic education is an approach having an inclusive pedagogy. It is also very necessary that the stakeholders should have an awareness of the need of such educational approach. This paper aims at knowing parents’-one of the very important stakeholders- belief about the need of holistic education as well as their views about today’s educational scenario. The research work will add a new dimension to the vision of teachers, policy framers and the
Holistic, Humanism, Spiritual, Education, Pedagogy, curriculum, Integrated, inclusiveHolistic, Humanism, Spiritual, Education, Pedagogy, curriculum, Integrated, inclusive
Miller, J.P. Ed. (2005). Holistic Learning and Spirituality in education: Breaking New ground. Albany: state University of New York Press, New York. Miller, R. (1991). Holism and Meaning: Foundations for a coherent holistic theory. Holistic Education Review, 4(3), 23-31. UNESCO, (1996). ‘The Four Pillars of Education”, in Learning: The treasure within: report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education forTwenty First Century. Paris. NCTE, (2004). ‘The Mother on Education: From Reflection to Action’. National Council for Teacher Education, New Delhi.